Get again in form for summer season 2024! A 4 week plan for learners and superior swimmers

Summer time is getting nearer as is attempting to realize a bikini physique. That’s why, one among your New 12 months’s resolutions was (and also you haven’t began but) to get again into form and also you’ve chosen swimming as your means on getting there.

What I’m going to share with you as we speak is a plan which has a scope of getting you began in a adequate manner within the swimming pool. The plan is a 4-week plan so it is going to cowl the primary month of your exercise. There are two completely different plans relying in your degree of preparation beforehand: learners and superior…The distinction lays in the truth that the superior plan has an additional exercise every week and every exercise is barely longer.


Week 1

Inexperienced persons Avanced
1000m freestyle, with out stopping and with out timing your self 2000m freestyle,  with out stopping and with out timing your self
300m  simple swimming

200m solely arms utilizing a pull buoy

100m solely legs utilizing a board

3x200m fixed cardio swimming at the next pace (with a 20second  pause between every)

400m simple swimming

300m solely arms utilizing a pull buoy

200m solely legs utilizing a board

100m blended

5x200m fixed cardio swimming at a median pace (with a 20second  pause between every)

200m simple swimming

300m freestyle respiration each 3-5 strokes alternating at 50m

3x100m blended fashion (with a 30 second pause between every)

300m solely legs utilizing a board and fins

200m simple swimming

2×100 gradual lower of pace (with a 20 second pause between every)

200m with paddles

100m blended

100m (25m sturdy+ 25 simple swimming) – 30second pause between every)

100m double arm backstroke


Week 2

Inexperienced persons Superior
400m simple swimming

200m freestyle respiration each 3-5 strokes alternating at 50m

4x200m fixed cardio swimming at a median pace (with a 20 second pause between every).

100m solely legs utilizing a board


300m simple swimming

200m solely arms utilizing a pull buoy

100m solely legs utilizing a board

4x50m (25m proper arm + 25m left arm) resting 10 seconds between every.

6x200m fixed cardio swimming at a median pace (with a 20 second pause between every).

300m simple swimming

10x100m (4 cardio + 1 fast) – 15 second pause between every)

200m (50 dorso doppio + 50 gambe senza tavoletta)




600m simple swimming

500m solely arms utilizing paddles

400m swim with fins

300m (25 fast + 50 simple swimming)

200m misti cambio ai 50

100m fast swimming

100m simple swimming

500m swimming with fins and paddles

15x100m (4 cardio + 1 fast) – 15 second pause between every

200m (50m double backstroke + 50 simply legs with no board)


Week 3

Inexperienced persons Superior
300m simple swimming

300m with a pull buoy (50 legs + 50 arms)

6x200m fixed cardio swimming at a median pace (with a 20 second  pause between every)


300m simple swimming

300m with a pull buoy (50 legs + 50 arms)

8x200m 6x200m fixed cardio swimming at a median pace (with a 20 second  pause between every)

8x25m (1 fast + 1 simple swimming) – 15 second pause between every

300m simple swimming

12x10m (3 cardio + 1 fast) – 15 second pause between every

300m (50m double backstroke + 50m solely legs with out board)




400m simple swimming

4x100m arms with paddles and pull buoy – 15 second pause between every

8x50m solely legs with fins and board (25m fast + 25m simple swimming)

16x25m blended 4x fashion– 15 second pause between every

8x50m solely arms with paddles and (25 fast + 25 simple swimming)

4x100m legs with fins and board– 15 second pause between every

300m simple swimming

4x75m blended excluding freestyle altering each 25m (20 second pause between every)

16x100m (3 cardio + 1 fast) _ 15 second pause between every

200m (50 double backstroke + 50 legs with out board)


Week 4

Inexperienced persons Superior
200m simple swimming

4x50m (25m proper arm + 25m left arm) – 10 second pause between every

8x200m fixed cardio swimming at a median pace (with a 20 second  pause between every)

300m simple swimming

200m solely arms with pull buoy

100m legs with board

10x200m fixed cardio swimming at a median pace (with a 20 second  pause between every)


1000m freestyle with out stopping however timing your self 300m freestyle respiration each 3-5 strokes alternating at 50m

3x100m blended (20 second pause between every)

300m freestyle respiration each 3-7 strokes, alternating each 50m)

3x100m blended in reverse order (20 second pause between every)

300m respiration each 5 strokes

8x25m gradual lower of pace (with a 20 second pause between every)

200m simple swimming

8x25m solely legs at excessive pace utilizing board (with 30 second pause between every)

200m respiration each 3-7 strokes, alternating at 50m

300m simple swimming

2000m freestyle with out stopping however timing your self


As you’ll be able to see, week by week, there’s a gradual improve of the variety of the singular workout routines in addition to the full size of kilometers swum.

Additionally, on the finish of this system, there’s a simple swimming train to do whereas timing your self. It is a easy check to guage your preliminary capability in comparison with 4 weeks of exercise.

Take pleasure in your exercise!

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